
Shipping & Delivery

International shipping

We are glad to bring our customers great value and service. That’s why we provide international shipping for over 200 countries.

If you are placing an international order, please ensure that you have entered your full correct address properly.

Please note that we are not responsible for customs clearance fees or any delays caused by customs in your country. These are beyond our control.

Shipping to over 200 countries

We are proud to offer international shipping services. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be from one of those countries we will contact you.


We are not responsible for any duties, taxes, and custom fees that may apply once the items have shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages may be shipped to you and may get custom fees when they arrive to your country. These charges are not included in your total at checkout and are determined by the customs agency in the destination country. We recommend contacting your local carrier or customs office to estimate these fees.

Please do not reject or refuse a delivery due to customs fees. If you do so, a return fee will be deducted from your refund to cover the return shipping costs.

Import duties and taxes are collected upon delivery. If the recipient refuses delivery, the package will be returned to us, and a return fee charged by DHL will be covered by the customer. If we do not receive instructions from the customer, the package will be considered abandoned and disposed of by DHL, making the order ineligible for a refund.

Once an order has been shipped and in transit, it cannot be cancelled.

**Customs Policy for EU Countries**

Please be aware that following Brexit, all orders shipped to EU countries may incur customs and duties charges. These charges are mandated by regulations and are beyond our control.

**Shipping Policy for USA Orders**

Most shipments to the USA are not subject to duties and taxes. Goods valued at US$800 or less may be imported without these charges. For orders exceeding this threshold, consider splitting your order into multiple shipments to avoid additional fees.

Shipping time

Shipping time varies by location. These are our estimates:

Location *Estimated Shipping Time
United Kingdom 1-3 Business days
United States, Central & South America 2-5 Business days
Canada, Europe 3-5 Business days
Australia, New Zealand 4-7 Business days
Rest of the world (Express) 2-4 Business days
Rest of the world (Standard) 6-12 Business days

*This doesn’t include our 1-3 day processing time.

Tracking information

You will receive an email with a tracking number once your order is shipped.

All deliveries require a signature upon acceptance.

For Your Express Delivery, you will receive a notification from DHL EXPRESS ON-DEMAND DELIVERY (ODD) and will provide you with email/SMS updates about your shipments progress and estimated delivery date/time. If the shipment doesn’t fit your schedule the 100% free service enables you to choose the time and place of delivery. Giving you maximum flexibility and greater control over your shipment.

International Mail Tracking

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping notification email. Within this email there will be a link to track your shipment.

Your final mile delivery will be completed by the local postal authority in your country, the above delivery windows are aims, please allow up to 15 working days for delivery.

Orders placed during new launches or sale periods could take up to 10 extra business days to be dispatched.

If you have any other questions, please contact us support@sportzbody.com and we will do our best to help you out.


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