
Refunds & Returns Policy

Order cancellation

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been placed and you need to change or cancel it, please contact us support@sportzbody.com within 12 hours.

Returns & Refunds

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We want you to shop with confidence. That’s why we offer easy, quick, and FREE returns on unused items if returned in approved and saleable condition within 7 days.

To be eligible for a return, items must be:

If items are returned with any of these signs, the return will not be accepted. We will reject the shipment if we determine the item has been worn, and you will be responsible for the shipping costs to have the item returned to you.

This is a strict policy.

After receiving your item, it must be shipped back to us within 7 days. Please use our FREE DHL shipping service for returns. If you choose to use another carrier, you will be responsible for the return shipping fees. Keep the tracking details as proof or contact us at support@sportzbody.com to use our FREE prepaid return label.

Please note that using a carrier of your choice may incur additional charges, such as customs fees, which are beyond our control. With our FREE pre-paid returns service, you will not incur any customs fees on returns.

We stand behind everything we sell. However, If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us to arrange a return.

We do not offer exchanges. Please return your item for a refund and place a new order..

If your Return is approved; You will receive an email once we have received your items and when a refund has been issued. Please allow up to 10 days from when we receive your return for your refund to be processed.

Please do not send your purchase back to us unless we authorise you to do so.

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